About Us

We present data in such a manner that even a non technical person can understand what is happening. This understanding will impact largely as now the population can take necessary measures to fight COVID19. We have considered multi-temporal features from statistics and presented them in simple graphs and charts. Though this, the people of a particular region can understand the spread of the disease and how the economy is being impacted. This will lead them to self awareness.

As a citizen of a third world country, most of the time we don't get the right data or resources to understand our situations and make a safe prediction. To provide general people with understandable insights and to give them the opportunity to take necessary measures was the reason to choose this initiative.The website we made is just a protoype and we plan to upgrade and add more data and visualisation to it.We used simple html and css to code the prototype of the website. For data analysis and visualisation we used python libraries such as numpy, pandas, matplotlib etc. Github and Kaggle was used to host the codes. The Discord workspace was pretty useful for team collaboration and organisation.